My Mr Not So Right

My Mr not so Right

I'm probably not the only one, but does anyone else have that phase with dating where You just get tired of meeting people? Then from nowhere You'll just  see somebody that looks like he came out of a magazine.

So this particular day i was eating and minding my own business, when  i got a notification for this guy's profile on Nirvanae. This guy  called Kennedy, right? His pictures made him look like you could confuse him for RMD and Ramsey Noah, lol i don't even know how to explain that, and yes i almost licked my screen. But I'm not going to lie he also seemed kinda suspicious.

The details on his profile were vague. His occupation said Dj, his hobbies said "whatever feels good" and even his bio had  nothing except one weird line that said something about "You only live once". Lol that line felt very playboy-ish.

 Normally, I would have just continued minding my business, but did you see his picture? A girl's gotta know more. Anyway so, i accepted, and I was just just sitting there waiting to see if he would accept me back.

I was super curious if this was going to be  the man of my dreams or the one that will just show me premium pepper for a couple of weeks.

Anyway guess what? He accepted me too! We chatted for a bit, turns out Djing was just his hobby and he actually is an Engineer, he just DJ's at some of his friends party for fun, apparently he always wanted to be a DJ since he was a child. 

So, we decided to meet up. I choose this nice spot not far from my house, cause you never know ehen. But then he said he knew of a better place, lol I told him the spot I chose was perfect, and when he saw that I wouldn't change my mind he accepted.

We got there and  ordered drinks, and let me tell you, things went downhill fast. I ordered for a soft drink and he kept trying to get me to drink alcohol. 

The date wasn't completly terrible though, he was so fine to look at, and he told me about some funny Djing experiences. 

But i couldn't shake the feeling that something felt off with him, so i never met him again. I wonder if i was just being paranoid and maybe i should have just given him a chance. Anyway que sere sera.


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