The Curse Of A Passionate Woman

I’ll tell you a secret. Whisper it kindly into your ears. The biggest blessing and curse of genuinely passionate women in love, And I mean women who love with every fiber of their souls, Is that they want to be the center of some man’s world. This man can be the richest man in the world, or he can be a pauper for all they care… All they are interested in (especially if she is a good woman), is the fact that she wants to be the center of his world. I’ll tell you that this thing I’ve described above is a curse because many men are often plagued by many pursuits and it is only in their old age that they begin to focus on those genuinely loving relationships that they betrayed by not tending as devotedly and wisely as they tended other aspects of their lives. Arguments usually are rooted in a common background. Woman- I want to be the center of your world. Man- I pursue the world because you keep me centered. And for a couple whose relationship is not firmly rooted in friendship, love, and understanding, this argument above, and variations of it, will become the nadir of their relationship. Woman—->You are not emotional enough. Man—->But I provide everything we need. Sound familiar? What I often find is that appreciation isn’t usually the problem. The problem is that you can give her everything but if you are not giving her what she believes is priceless to you, you are not making a sacrifice and therefore you don’t love her. Cause if she loves you, I will tell you this, YOU OCCUPY HER THOUGHTS. I hypothesize that for these types of genuinely passionate and loving women it is not the action, but what they perceive to be the thinking behind the action that counts. Does she like gifts, yes. But she likes thoughtful gifts more. If you buy her gifts, you are a kind man. But if you go from buying her gifts to buying her gifts that show that you actually considered a need of hers before supplying that gift, you go from being a kind man to her lover. This is what counts to her. I always say that as far as the woman you love is concerned, every action must be salted with love or she will vent. As a man you must understand and establish in your relationship, and very early, that, “My love” no be guy name. You must keep showing your woman, with your words and actions especially directly to her, that you love her. And you must never get tired of it. When you say I love yous to each other, it must be genuine. Some man are funny. They do some deeply betraying thing and attempt to please a woman with wads of cash here, and a new car there, you are doing nice things but you are not being thoughtful. Betrayal cannot be consoled with gifts, and if it is, then what you shared was never genuine. Let’s be knowing this please. And this is why after everything, she would still complain tomorrow. She knows what she’s trying to say, she just hasn’t thought about it this way and doesn’t have the words. But because those your gifts haven’t made her to shut up and look the other way, but to demand harder, those things like your time and affection that she knows are the most valuable things you have to offer and not the money you so casually bestow on her, you say that she is not appreciative. You are to teach her love, to show her in your little way, that you mean it when you say you love her. And you do this by daily, sowing thoughtful, priceless contributions in this garden of love that you BOTH are growing. And even if you make mistakes, because she sees the efforts you make daily to love her, the daily commitments, she can excuse you and she knows that perfection is not something she must expect from you too. This is why some women stay with some men who the outside world perceive as evil, no matter what it is said that these men have done. The men make them feel loved everyday, in spite of their secret sins. Understanding the dynamics I’ve explained above is the path to establishing genuine friendship and understanding in relationships. You must teach her about yourself, because if you don’t express yourself properly, she would be in the dark. You must sow love daily with your words, and actions, and your garden blossom. But you must also know how to sow, you must do it thoughtfully and not like a reckless man who doesn’t know what he is doing. You are her lover, but first you are her king. Act like it by taking actual responsibility for your relationship, and doing the work of LEADING. There’s no king without leadership. It’s not a “guy guy name”.


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