Who is a High Value Man?

Who Is A High Value Man? 

 First of all, I’ll like to thank you for consistently reading the thoughts I put out. 

 Without your keen support, this platform will not exist and I appreciate that. 

These notes I share are often shared from a place of deep reflection and observation. These thoughts are not a rule of thumb though as people’s experiences in life may differ according to the exigencies of the time, and the situations of their lives.

 But, my dear lovers, who are these high value men? I mean we hear that phrase thrown about everywhere, sometimes, it seems as though the concept is a subjective thing. I mean It may seem as tho the concept of being a high value man is relative to a person’s wants and needs and such a man’s financial station in life.

 It’s not. It’s not subjective. There are markers that would, without fail, identify a high value man. In this note, I would be giving categorically, my ideas of what a high value man should look like to you. This is drawn from years of interaction and studying, the lives of men who come to us for help in some way or the other. 

It is easy to study them because by studying the relationships they forge with people, listening to both parties, and then seeing those with whom they form lasting connections with, we can establish a pattern. A high value man is not to be confused with a high net worth man. There are a variety of reasons for this but chief of them is this, that a man who has only a high net worth, and nothing else, is in fact, a poor man. 

Why? While money is good, simply having money and no talents, intelligence, values, or network would eventually lead to a depletion of that money. A high value man will find a high net worth, but a high net worth man, who lacks any sort of intrinsic value, will only find poverty. Money is the product of value, but money on its own, without value, will die. So who is a high value man?

 1. He is responsible: 
When we say a man is responsible we simply mean he has the ability to respond. Manhood is a destination and not a quality that is achieved simply by having a penis. In the old days, certain rites of passage were conquered before a youth could call himself a man. The chiefs would put him through many tests and only those who were worthy, were welcomed into the fold as men. The rest were scorned. These tests would often tests their ability to respond. A man is not a man if he is incapable of BEING A MAN in situations that would test his masculinity. Your days of daily joys were as a child. Embracing manhood means that you know that every day comes with a fresh new hell to sprinkle ice on, and because you have spent your teens and your twenties learning how to be a man, you are now well equipped mentally, to navigate whatever storms may come. Your finances are not in order, you get them in order. Your job is lacking in some way, you fix it. Your kids need something? You get it. Your wife needs tender love and care, you deliver. You understand your responsibilities and you embrace them with intelligence and know how. This is what a high value man does.

 2. He is a fast learner:
 I was having a conversation with a friend the other day and I told him this, the hallmark of intelligence is not what a person knows but how quickly a person learns. BE AFRAID of a man who is a quick learner because it means that such a man would constantly evolve. Anytime you meet a man who likes to move like he knows it all, who is not open to correction and who does not ever listen to any advice, RUN! The moment a man stops learning is when he starts to die and the best men, the men who dominate the world, understand that every interaction is an opportunity to learn. These men are MEEK. The Bible speaks about how the meek will inherit the earth and people mistake it for weakness but it is not so. The meek are those who are humble enough to know that they don’t know it all. It is like having a cup that keeps telling you that it is not full, no matter how much you pour inside it. This inquisitive, humble men would eventually start to regurgitate all they know and because they have built capacity, they often seem like wells that never run dry. 

3.He is Disciplined: 
Discipline is the product of mastery and mastery is the product of keen discipleship. No man wakes up a disciplined man. It is adherence to lessons over time and the willingness to stick to these lessons that makes a man to be disciplined. Every man is taught, but it is not every man who learns. Note this. Learning every day, constant inputs as far as learning is concerned, will germinate, and a man eventually becomes a master. It takes keen discipleship to attain mastery, and with that mastery, with the understanding of the sacrifices that must be made in mastery, discipline would come. Discipline means that he is not over sleeping and under working or over working and under sleeping. A master understands that all things must operate in balance. He operates like a machine; there is a time for work and a time to play.. He would play and he would laugh, yet, he would work and he would strive. He is the master of his time. He is the master of his demons: Every man comes with demons in their own operating system. Even the Bible says, the heart of man is desperately wicked. No man was created perfect, nothing was created perfect. God made the garden of Eden with a serpent in it, and he told man that the moment he comes into the earth, he is a sinner. A high value man is a man who doesn’t only know his personal demons, but understands them, and has become a master of them. They are not a master of him. He is not an addict to anything and everything that he indulges, he indulges with moderation. He understands that every vice can either be weaponized or lethal, and he knows how to dance on the line. It is important that a man is the master of his demons whatever they may be. If he gets angry easily, it’s important that he is the master of his emotions. If he is a womanizer it is important that he is the master of his sexual urges. If he is a teetotaler, he must become the master of this need to drink. He must not be so weak willed that at every instant, he succumbs to his primal desires. If a man constantly to the needs of his flesh or soul, then he has become a slave to his sin. I’ll stop here. 

 To be continued.


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