
The Storm Bringer

I have always had a thing for opinionated women. I got matched with one and it was love at first argument. Don't get me wrong i don't mean i like women that fight or argue a lot. I just love women that have  strong opinions and i can have fun little debates with. And Ada was that girl. Her bio said "i bring the storm, "i said ah! Ada the storm bringer,  lets do this lol". She was a breath of fresh air cause i was tired of meeting other women with no personalities. Our banters were so good, we were almost always breathless after. Then we finally decided to meet. We met at this bar she choose, it was so not  my my style, very loud and filled with people. But i was really looking forward to meeting her so i didn't mind. We got seated, and our chemistry was electrifying. We talked about the traffic we both had to sit in to get there, the rain that fell the night before, and about the drinks we were having. We talked and argued,  it was the best date ever, and she

The WhatsApp Menace

Does anyone else hate how hot the sun gets from 12pm? I was off from work this particular Friday afternoon and i decided to check for some profiles on nirvanae. I just kept scrolling through a lot of hot profiles wondering why no one had accepted my requests yet. Well, the picture i used wasn't really flattering, i kept saying i would change it, but who actaullly  has the time to take pictures? Then all of a sudden i found this profile of Sarah, her profile picture was of her in an art gallery wearing a mustard yellow gown, heels and the biggest smile  She looked happy and mischievous, just like my type. I quickly sent a request and i guess the gods knew i needed a win because she accepted me shortly. Our first conversations had a lot of energy, we laughed a lot, cracked jokes, talked about our favorite restaurants in town. And did i mention she was into Football? My dream girl truely. I felt a connection i had not felt since my university days. But then, the switch flipped. Once w

Some hilarious Nirvanae Experiences

  Our clients absolutely crack us up! Laugh with us at some of their match  experiences. 2nd slide “ First of all, when did being overly romantic become a bad thing, cause this woman said it was too much and i should calm down, please help me understand. Please I've decided to save my plenty romance, tell me when you find someone else for me" - T 3rd slide "I showed up 2 hours late and acted like nothing was wrong 😭 I had to look fine nau. He still went on with the date though but he never contacted me again. He's strict o. I really did not even notice the time had gone by so fast, and he was really fine o. He cannot even forgive somebody 😭😂" -K 4th slide ⁠” i don't even  understand what happened on that date, I'm not even kidding the moment my butt hit the chair this man started talking. He did not even let me say one word. Please i just blocked him after, if i wanted to listen to a radio i would have just stayed at home"- S 5th slide “ His job d

How To Spot A GOOD WIFE in the Gen Z

  How do you spot a good wife in the gen Z era? “Mac, how do I know who is genuine? I have dated many women both internationally and locally, and they ended up being disloyal. I can’t go and pour all my emotions into one person and it ends up the same way, sometimes I feel like they are all the same.” Yesterday, I spent an hour on a call with S, and he asked this very question.  S is not stupid, neither is he a novice. At 34, he’s got an MBA from a prestigious school in England, real estate in places like Dubai, England, etc, and a life with so much potential. Yet, he had so many questions regarding how to spot a wife.  He is not alone.  Many African men have been left confused, especially in this social media age. All men are constantly swayed by how easy it is to get sex today; the hook up culture, the naked women who shake their buttocks everywhere, the very good bad girls,  such that when they are finally ready to settle down, they are confused as to what a good woman really looks

Who is a High Value Man?

Who Is A High Value Man?   First of all, I’ll like to thank you for consistently reading the thoughts I put out.   Without your keen support, this platform will not exist and I appreciate that.  These notes I share are often shared from a place of deep reflection and observation. These thoughts are not a rule of thumb though as people’s experiences in life may differ according to the exigencies of the time, and the situations of their lives.  But, my dear lovers, who are these high value men? I mean we hear that phrase thrown about everywhere, sometimes, it seems as though the concept is a subjective thing. I mean It may seem as tho the concept of being a high value man is relative to a person’s wants and needs and such a man’s financial station in life.  It’s not. It’s not subjective. There are markers that would, without fail, identify a high value man. In this note, I would be giving categorically, my ideas of what a high value man should look like to you.

How To Love Him Better

I’ll come off my post yesterday to highlight a split side. It’s been hackneyed across relationship blogs, love influencers, speakers, that men love respect. Note that narrow minded people speak about love not from a place of deep understanding but as though it were a product, explaining love as if it’s an engine with definite parts. The nuances of love and emotional demands in love cannot simply be explained away by saying, “Men love respect, give them respect.” Men are different, their needs are different, but if you can approach this concept granularly, taking apart its constituent parts so you arrive at the soul of it, you can define a foundation as far as conversations that bother on love and respect for men is concerned. Because you have a solid understanding of the foundation, you can enjoy better relationships with the men you come across. For teachers who preach love, if one understands love one must break down its complexities- and this is wh

The Curse Of A Passionate Woman

I’ll tell you a secret. Whisper it kindly into your ears. The biggest blessing and curse of genuinely passionate women in love, And I mean women who love with every fiber of their souls, Is that they want to be the center of some man’s world. This man can be the richest man in the world, or he can be a pauper for all they care… All they are interested in (especially if she is a good woman), is the fact that she wants to be the center of his world. I’ll tell you that this thing I’ve described above is a curse because many men are often plagued by many pursuits and it is only in their old age that they begin to focus on those genuinely loving relationships that they betrayed by not tending as devotedly and wisely as they tended other aspects of their lives. Arguments usually are rooted in a common background. Woman- I want to be the center of your world. Man- I pursue the world because you keep me centered. And for a couple whose re